『UNION TOKYO』で取り扱う国内外のブランドのデザイナーやキーパーソンをフューチャーし、パーソナルな質問を投げかけてブランドの魅力を読み解くインタビュー企画 "15 Questions" 。今回は、2020年よりロンドンを拠点にブランドをスタートした sage NATION のクリエイティブ・ディレクター、"Sage Toda-Nation"をクローズアップ。
日本とイギリスの血を引き継ぐデザイナーのSageは、自身のルーツである2つの国の美意識を織り交ぜた独自のデザインをもとに、PURPOSE (目的)、PERSPECTIVE (視点) 、BALANCE (均衡)をブランドフィロソフィーに掲げた、トレンドやジェンダーに捉われないものづくりを行っているSageに話を聞いた。
15 Questions is an interview project featuring designers and key persons of domestic and foreign brands carried by "UNION TOKYO", asking them personal questions to decipher the appeal of the brands.
In this issue, we take a close look at "Sage Toda-Nation" the creative director of sage NATION, which launched its London-based brand in 2020.
He has a unique design that weaves together the aesthetic sensibilities of his two countries, which are his roots, and his brand philosophy of "Purpose, Perspective, Balance," which he defies trends and gender.
Q1: sage NATIONの設立について教えてください。
「ブランドを立ち上げたのは大学2年生の時で、ちょうどCOVID-19が始まった頃でした。私は大学に行けなくなっていました。その悔しさをブランドを通してぶつけ、ルックブックを撮影し、1 of 1(1点もの)を集めた小さなカプセルコレクションを初めて世に出しました。これは私が初めて全力を注いだ作品です。当初はあまり反応は期待していませんでしたが、コレクションはとても好評で、そこから日本のディストリビューターから連絡を貰い、その彼と一緒に販売を始め、パリでコレクションを世界的に販売するようになりました。sage NATIONは、私が考える服のあり方や見せ方を世界に示す必要性から始まったのだと思います。」
Q1: Could you tell us about the founding of sage NATION?
The brand was started in my second year of university when COVID-19 had just begun. I had lost my job and couldn't go into university anymore. Through the frustration I channeled this through the brand and put out my first small capsule of 1 of 1 pieces that I shot as a look book and put out to the world. This was all pieces that I really put my all into. I didn't know what to expect from it. I was just creating for the sake of creating.. It was received really well and from there I was contacted by my Japanese distributor who I started selling with first and we sold the collection solely to Japan. From there we just kept moving, then we started selling the collections in Paris globally.
I guess the brand started from a place of necessity to put my perspective out into the world and show people my take on how I think clothing should be and how I would like to present it. It was very important to me at the time to express this no matter what. I have always had a strong sense of what I like and how I think things should be put together.
Q2: 服を作るときに一番大切にしていることは何ですか?
Q2: What is the most important thing to you when creating clothes?
The most important thing for me is that the garment can stand the test of time and will still feel relevant in years to come. There's too many clothes in the world to be adding more pointless items to it.
I start with fabric first, then shape and then finally details. Always aiming to strike the perfect marriage between the fabric and the design.
Q3: What are the roots of your fashion sense?
I think being half Japanese and half British is something that inspires me style wise subconsciously I think. I'm drawn to classic archetypes of clothing that we all recognize is trench coats, trucker jackets., I grew up looking at fashion from more of a streetwear perspective as that was what I was surrounded by when I was in my early teens. But as I have gotten older I have developed more of a sartorial perspective. I like a slight contrast at all times and a subtle clash for me is always interesting. London is a mash up of so many different cultures and references so this is something that stays with me. So I guess my fashion sense is a mixture of my surroundings and my upbringing as well as my desires of what I want to see in the market.
Q4: 尊敬するアーティストやデザイナーはいますか?
Q4: Are there any artists or designers you admire?
Growing up Isamu Noguchi and Kanye West was a big inspiration for me. But other than that I really just admire my friends who have managed to carve out their own lane for themselves in whatever they have pursued as a passion … It’s not easy.
Q5: 東京という都市についてどのようなイメージをお持ちですか?
Q5: What is your perception of Tokyo as a city? Please share both from a fashion perspective and from other viewpoints.
Tokyo, much like London, has played such a key role in culture and Fashion over the years, it is a place of authenticity and has an energy to it that's hard to find. Both cities have influenced each other in terms of style in a really organic way over the years. I feel both cities are places of motivation and inspiration …. as. as long as you're on the right side of it.
Q6: あなたの考えるスタイリッシュな人とは?
Q6: What defines a stylish adult in your opinion?
Someone who knows themselves and what they stand for and can dress to match. But also style comes from how you carry yourself and how you treat people. Some of the most stylist people I know can pull anything off.
Q7: 自分らしくリラックスできるのはどんなときですか?
Q7: When do you feel most like yourself and relaxed?
In the onsen haha.
Q8: 好きな音楽のジャンルとアーティストを教えてください。
ドリルからマリのテクノまで何でも聴きます。MoverやJ Husなど、アメリカのトラップ・ミュージックやグライム、UKのドリル・ミュージックに大きな影響を受けました。最近はダブ・レゲエやジャズをよく聴いています。
Q8: Please tell us your favorite music genre and artists. Also, in what situations do you listen to them?
I listen to everything from drill to Malian techno music. I get bored of music very quickly so I listen to lost of different things. Growing up American Trap music was a big influence as well as grime and uk drilll music. I grew up listening to Artists like Mover and Jhus. However recently I listen to a lot of dub reggae music and Jazz as it calms me.
Q9: 好きな本を教えてください。
そんなに本は読まないのですが、最近手に取った本はSimon Wheatleyの『Lost dreams』。大好きな写真家の一人だから、ぜひ見てみてください。
Q9: Could you share your favorite book?
I don't read that many books but recently a book i picked up was Simon Wheatley's book ‘Lost dreams’ One of my favorite photographers I highly recommend you take a look.
Q10: 所有している乗り物は?
Q10: What vehicle do you own (car, bike, skateboard, etc.)?
Currently I just own a bike !
Q11: What is something you currently want to acquire or purchase?
The classic Range Rover.
Q12: コレクションしているものは何ですか?
Q12: What do you collect?
My girlfriend would say I like to collect coats and jackets but I don't think I have enough.
Q13: お気に入りのアクセサリーを教えてください。
Q13: Tell us about your favorite accessory.
My favorite accessory is my Navy scarf that my grandma made. She does a lot of weaving and always weaves me a scarf when I haven't seen her in a long time. They are always made from the most beautiful yarns.
Q14: 長年愛用している洋服は?
Q14: What clothing item have you owned and cherished for a long time?
My first stone island jacket I bought many years ago which I saved up to buy from selling Cookies and strawberry laced on the playground.
Q15: あなたの宝物はなんですか?
Q15: What is your most precious treasure?
This includes not only relatives, but also close friends and members of the brand team.
sage NATION のデザインは、Sageの背景であるさまざまなカルチャーから構成されている。繊細で考え抜かれたアイテムは、ワードローブにシームレスに寄り添い、タイムレスに愛することができる。
15 Questions では、デザイナーの変わらないもの、変わっていくものに眼差しを向けて、見えてくる景色を届けていきたい。
sage NATION designs are composed of the various cultures that form the background of Sage. Delicate and well thought out items can be seamlessly nestled into your wardrobe and loved timelessly.
In 15 Questions, we would like to deliver a view of what we see by looking at what designers do not change and what is changing.
Text:Yukino Nakai [MANUSKRIPT] @manuskript_archives
『UNION TOKYO』で取り扱う国内外のブランドのデザイナーやキーパーソンをフューチャーし、パーソナルな質問を投げかけてブランドの魅力を読み解くインタビュー企画 "15 Questions" 。今回は、2020年よりロンドンを拠点にブランドをスタートした sage NATION のクリエイティブ・ディレクター、"Sage Toda-Nation"をクローズアップ。
日本とイギリスの血を引き継ぐデザイナーのSageは、自身のルーツである2つの国の美意識を織り交ぜた独自のデザインをもとに、PURPOSE (目的)、PERSPECTIVE (視点) 、BALANCE (均衡)をブランドフィロソフィーに掲げた、トレンドやジェンダーに捉われないものづくりを行っているSageに話を聞いた。
15 Questions is an interview project featuring designers and key persons of domestic and foreign brands carried by "UNION TOKYO", asking them personal questions to decipher the appeal of the brands.
In this issue, we take a close look at "Sage Toda-Nation" the creative director of sage NATION, which launched its London-based brand in 2020.
He has a unique design that weaves together the aesthetic sensibilities of his two countries, which are his roots, and his brand philosophy of "Purpose, Perspective, Balance," which he defies trends and gender.
Q1: sage NATIONの設立について教えてください。
「ブランドを立ち上げたのは大学2年生の時で、ちょうどCOVID-19が始まった頃でした。私は大学に行けなくなっていました。その悔しさをブランドを通してぶつけ、ルックブックを撮影し、1 of 1(1点もの)を集めた小さなカプセルコレクションを初めて世に出しました。これは私が初めて全力を注いだ作品です。当初はあまり反応は期待していませんでしたが、コレクションはとても好評で、そこから日本のディストリビューターから連絡を貰い、その彼と一緒に販売を始め、パリでコレクションを世界的に販売するようになりました。sage NATIONは、私が考える服のあり方や見せ方を世界に示す必要性から始まったのだと思います。」
Q1: Could you tell us about the founding of sage NATION?
The brand was started in my second year of university when COVID-19 had just begun. I had lost my job and couldn't go into university anymore. Through the frustration I channeled this through the brand and put out my first small capsule of 1 of 1 pieces that I shot as a look book and put out to the world. This was all pieces that I really put my all into. I didn't know what to expect from it. I was just creating for the sake of creating.. It was received really well and from there I was contacted by my Japanese distributor who I started selling with first and we sold the collection solely to Japan. From there we just kept moving, then we started selling the collections in Paris globally.
I guess the brand started from a place of necessity to put my perspective out into the world and show people my take on how I think clothing should be and how I would like to present it. It was very important to me at the time to express this no matter what. I have always had a strong sense of what I like and how I think things should be put together.
Q2: 服を作るときに一番大切にしていることは何ですか?
Q2: What is the most important thing to you when creating clothes?
The most important thing for me is that the garment can stand the test of time and will still feel relevant in years to come. There's too many clothes in the world to be adding more pointless items to it.
I start with fabric first, then shape and then finally details. Always aiming to strike the perfect marriage between the fabric and the design.
Q3: What are the roots of your fashion sense?
I think being half Japanese and half British is something that inspires me style wise subconsciously I think. I'm drawn to classic archetypes of clothing that we all recognize is trench coats, trucker jackets., I grew up looking at fashion from more of a streetwear perspective as that was what I was surrounded by when I was in my early teens. But as I have gotten older I have developed more of a sartorial perspective. I like a slight contrast at all times and a subtle clash for me is always interesting. London is a mash up of so many different cultures and references so this is something that stays with me. So I guess my fashion sense is a mixture of my surroundings and my upbringing as well as my desires of what I want to see in the market.
Q4: 尊敬するアーティストやデザイナーはいますか?
Q4: Are there any artists or designers you admire?
Growing up Isamu Noguchi and Kanye West was a big inspiration for me. But other than that I really just admire my friends who have managed to carve out their own lane for themselves in whatever they have pursued as a passion … It’s not easy.
Q5: 東京という都市についてどのようなイメージをお持ちですか?
Q5: What is your perception of Tokyo as a city? Please share both from a fashion perspective and from other viewpoints.
Tokyo, much like London, has played such a key role in culture and Fashion over the years, it is a place of authenticity and has an energy to it that's hard to find. Both cities have influenced each other in terms of style in a really organic way over the years. I feel both cities are places of motivation and inspiration …. as. as long as you're on the right side of it.
Q6: あなたの考えるスタイリッシュな人とは?
Q6: What defines a stylish adult in your opinion?
Someone who knows themselves and what they stand for and can dress to match. But also style comes from how you carry yourself and how you treat people. Some of the most stylist people I know can pull anything off.
Q7: 自分らしくリラックスできるのはどんなときですか?
Q7: When do you feel most like yourself and relaxed?
In the onsen haha.
Q8: 好きな音楽のジャンルとアーティストを教えてください。
ドリルからマリのテクノまで何でも聴きます。MoverやJ Husなど、アメリカのトラップ・ミュージックやグライム、UKのドリル・ミュージックに大きな影響を受けました。最近はダブ・レゲエやジャズをよく聴いています。
Q8: Please tell us your favorite music genre and artists. Also, in what situations do you listen to them?
I listen to everything from drill to Malian techno music. I get bored of music very quickly so I listen to lost of different things. Growing up American Trap music was a big influence as well as grime and uk drilll music. I grew up listening to Artists like Mover and Jhus. However recently I listen to a lot of dub reggae music and Jazz as it calms me.
Q9: 好きな本を教えてください。
そんなに本は読まないのですが、最近手に取った本はSimon Wheatleyの『Lost dreams』。大好きな写真家の一人だから、ぜひ見てみてください。
Q9: Could you share your favorite book?
I don't read that many books but recently a book i picked up was Simon Wheatley's book ‘Lost dreams’ One of my favorite photographers I highly recommend you take a look.
Q10: 所有している乗り物は?
Q10: What vehicle do you own (car, bike, skateboard, etc.)?
Currently I just own a bike !
Q11: What is something you currently want to acquire or purchase?
The classic Range Rover.
Q12: コレクションしているものは何ですか?
Q12: What do you collect?
My girlfriend would say I like to collect coats and jackets but I don't think I have enough.
Q13: お気に入りのアクセサリーを教えてください。
Q13: Tell us about your favorite accessory.
My favorite accessory is my Navy scarf that my grandma made. She does a lot of weaving and always weaves me a scarf when I haven't seen her in a long time. They are always made from the most beautiful yarns.
Q14: 長年愛用している洋服は?
Q14: What clothing item have you owned and cherished for a long time?
My first stone island jacket I bought many years ago which I saved up to buy from selling Cookies and strawberry laced on the playground.
Q15: あなたの宝物はなんですか?
Q15: What is your most precious treasure?
This includes not only relatives, but also close friends and members of the brand team.
sage NATION のデザインは、Sageの背景であるさまざまなカルチャーから構成されている。繊細で考え抜かれたアイテムは、ワードローブにシームレスに寄り添い、タイムレスに愛することができる。
15 Questions では、デザイナーの変わらないもの、変わっていくものに眼差しを向けて、見えてくる景色を届けていきたい。
sage NATION designs are composed of the various cultures that form the background of Sage. Delicate and well thought out items can be seamlessly nestled into your wardrobe and loved timelessly.
In 15 Questions, we would like to deliver a view of what we see by looking at what designers do not change and what is changing.
Text:Yukino Nakai [MANUSKRIPT] @manuskript_archives